This is a game-changer for church announcements. Digital Signage is a feature in Proclaim that lets you display announcement slides, Bible verse art, and more on monitors all throughout your church building. Think of it as having miniature...
Christine Christophersen used to be a graphic designer for a megachurch in Omaha, Nebraska. Now, she’s the art director for Pro Media, a feature of Proclaim Church Presentation Software, and she equips churches with relevant, high...
If you’re the one building church presentations every week, you might wonder, How can I: Do this faster Be sure I’m choosing the best backgrounds Get a consistent look for the entire presentation? The answer: Smart Media. Take a quick look at these...
“It needs to be affordable.” “It needs to be professional.” “It needs to be easy to use.” Can it be all three? You’ll hear statements like these when church staff debate which ministry tools to purchase. Some want to spring for all the bells and...
Sermon transcription gives you new and improved ways to: Make your sermons accessible to anyone with impaired hearing Help others engage further with your sermon throughout the week Keep a searchable record of what you’ve preached And in Sermons and...
If your church is like many others, you use to plan your services. This video and linked tutorial show you how to integrate the two. That way you don’t have to double-up any work you do in This is just...
Creating your media presentations with Proclaim is even faster with our latest feature update: Suggested Media. Proclaim can now automatically suggest media to add to your presentation based on the season. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using the...
Spring is here! It’s time to celebrate Easter, appreciate Moms, and enjoy the newness of the season. Pro Media’s March bundle is packed with images to celebrate all month long. Here’s a sneak peek. Pro Media launches around 40 new sets of media...
Digital Signage is a smart new approach to church announcements. It allows you to display announcements and Bible Art on monitors throughout your church building—all wireless. And it’s totally free. It’s a simple and effective way to keep your...
You’re in the middle of a song when you realize the lyrics are out of order, or your pastor goes off script and asks you to pull up a Scripture passage on-the-fly. It’s every slide person’s nightmare—unless you have Proclaim. In...
It’s a new year, which means your church is probably rolling out new plans. Is it safe to assume this involves trying to thin the church budget, cut down on busywork, and get volunteers more engaged? If so, consider Proclaim church presentation...
Now you can avoid the “we do this song too much” complaint. Proclaim’s song history reports let you quickly see what songs you’ve done, and when. This helps you: Avoid getting into a rut with certain songs Keep good songs...
The songs we sing at Christmas are some of the richest, most special in the church’s history. But even the best songs can get overplayed. Here are a few modern Christmas songs you can add to the mix for some variety this year. “He Shall Reign...
You spend all that time preparing your sermon, preach it once or twice (or more), and then what? Get extra mileage out of your work by recording your sermons and posting them online. That way God’s Word continues to echo even while...
Ideal for pre-service slides, youth group games, or displaying on monitors throughout your church building, Proclaim’s Bible Trivia is easy to use and fun to play. It will engage your congregation and may even inspire them to dig into their...
Did you know you can share your worship setlist from Proclaim? You can use this feature to let your worship team and congregation know what they’ll be singing during the worship service. How to generate a setlist After your presentation has at...
Make your church announcements more strategic and eye-catching with Digital Signage. Digital Signage is a feature in Proclaim that lets you display announcement slides, Bible verse art, and more on monitors all throughout your church building. Think...
Live surveys are a fun way to engage your congregation while getting important information at the same time. You can use them as sermon illustrations, during announcements to get a pulse for people’s schedules, or in any number of ways. And...
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness” is a classic hymn believers have been singing for almost 100 years. But that doesn’t mean it can’t get a new chorus. The band One Sonic Society, comprised of producers and songwriters Paul Mabury and Jason Ingram, have...
With his breakout song “This Is Amazing Grace,” Phil Wickham emerged as not just a great worship music artist, but also a writer for congregational singing. “Living Hope,” released this March, is another song well-suited for church services. Written...
The Bible is the basis for our faith. It reveals our Savior (2 Tim 3:16), is how we know and believe (Rom 10:17), keeps us from sin (Ps 119:11), works powerfully (Heb 4:12), and gives life (Matt 4:4). As such, it holds a central place in our worship...
Why another song about God’s faithfulness? Don’t we have enough? No, because God’s faithfulness goes on forever. The psalmist David says it stretches to the skies (Ps. 108:4). It is inexhaustible. And good thing it is, because we need...
It’s a question many worship leaders grapple with. You want to lead new worship songs, but you don’t want to be singing them by yourself. How often do you teach your church new worship songs, and how do you do it? Here are a few questions to...
While in Toronto in 1906, songwriter Robert Harkness had a conversation with a new believer who was struggling with the idea of staying faithful to Christ throughout his life. Later that day, Harkness wrote a letter to lyricist Ada Habershon about...
Enter the New Worship Song contest, and your original song could be recorded by an industry pro! Plus, win Logos 7 Gold and a year of Faithlife Proclaim! There will be two winners, and it’s easy to enter. How to enter Please read the official rules...
With references from Psalms, Romans, and Hebrews, and a message that fixes our eyes on the love of God, “Your Love Never Fails” is a balm for sufferers. It explores that mysterious yet powerful connection between suffering, hope, and God’s love...
This is the third in a five-post series on worship songs about suffering. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. — John 16:33 Horatio...
“Death Was Arrested” was inspired by the epitaph of a tombstone found in a St. Mary’s, Georgia, cemetery. The inscription reads: Here rests what was mortal of Samuel Burr, age 42. In search of help far from home, death arrested his progress on...
Matt Redman wrote “Blessed Be Your Name” with his wife Beth in response to the tragedy of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. It reflects on the faithful response to suffering we see all throughout Scripture, especially from Job: praise. Blessing...
As always, Proclaim’s developers have been adding new features to make it an even better program. Here’s the latest round of updates, which now make it easier to format text, choose media, upload sermons, and work as a team. Text Enjoy...