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For everything there is a season.

For fifteen years, Bible Study Magazine has helped you dig into the word, studying the Bible with the best tools. It has been my personal privilege to steward the magazine for the last two years. As much as I have enjoyed this work, for everything there is a season—and BSM’s has come to a close. The November/December issue will be our last.

But the kinds of articles you enjoyed in BSM are not going away; they’re moving—to the Word by Word blog. Logos, the company behind BSM, has decided to invest not less but more into helping the church do good Bible study. We have channels for pastors and church workers (the Ministry Corner), for everyday Christians (the Reading Nook), and for academics (the Lecture Hall). And some of your favorite columnists from Bible Study Magazine will carry over onto the blog: look out for David Barshinger (Bible Study in Church History), Peter Krol (Knowable Word), Christa Threlfall (Moment with God), and even word nerdy Mark Ward (me!).

I’ll provide some personal reflections—and a little more explanation—inside the Nov/Dec issue, but I wanted to let subscribers know in advance that subscription renewals will be turned off beginning November 1, 2022, so you will not see future charges from Bible Study Magazine. Subscribers will also receive a prorated refund for issues you've paid for but will not receive. Jesus is the only way to the Father, but the Bible is—in a sense I think most readers will understand—the only way to Jesus. Christians can know God personally, but our only reliable verbal source for revelation about our Triune God is Scripture. Bible Study Magazine is about to go the way of all flesh (and then, in time, all paper). But Bible study must not and shall not die. As long as people need God, they will need God’s word. I, for one, still hope to help the church get what they need.

In Christ,
Mark Ward
Editor, Bible Study Magazine


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