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Best Hillsong Songs (Part 1)

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Hillsong Church has been creating worship hits since the early 90’s. The church, which is estimated to have over 30,000 in attendance every week, has produced over 40 worship albums and continues to consistently release two to three new albums every year.

There are many Hillsong hits to love, but below are my top 5:

  1. “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)”—Written in reference to Jesus calling Peter out on the water, this song is simply about stepping out in faith and trusting God. I like using this song towards the end of a set, but I’ve also used it to open service. Ideally this song is played with a full team but it works quite well in an acoustic setting as well. Although, I would recommend using at least two instruments, otherwise the bridge section can feel a little weak.

    Favorite line: Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders

  2. “Mighty to Save”—This song has been covered by many different artists and worship teams since it was released in 2006. It has also been translated into many languages. The lyrics praise power of Jesus and refer to Matthew 17:20. This song can work in tandem with another Hillsong favorite, At the Cross. You can even transition between them seamlessly due to the similarities in tempo and vocal range.

    Favorite line: Everyone needs forgiveness

  3. “Christ Is Enough”—This is one of my favorites to lead. The tempo for this song helps it fit perfectly in that second song slot between a fast opener, and the more worshipful slow part of the set. The bridge lyrics come from a hymn attributed to an Indian missionary written in the 19th century. If you are playing this song with a band make sure to encourage the piano player to learn the leadlines for the chorus.

    Favorite line: Christ is my reward

  4. “Glorious Ruins”—I like to end my set with this song. It’s on the slower end, around 60BPM, and has a great ending instrumental section. The concept for this song came from Ezra 9, which talks about God bringing the dead and ruined things to life, and making them glorious. It’s a great fit for a sermon series on restoration, renewal, and rebirth.

    Favorite line: Let my heart find strength in Your presence

  5. “From the Inside Out”—While the verses discuss our weakness and failure, I like that the song doesn’t end there. The focus is still on God who extends grace to us in our lowest state. The bridge of the song is uplifting and offers a perspective of hope and assurance when all else fades. The words of this song ring true to any believer, and as a result consistently connect with the congregation. From the Inside Out works well at the end of a set, or as a theme song for an applicable sermon series. Also, the electric guitar intro is amazing.

    Favorite line: A thousand times I’ve failed still Your mercy remains

What are your favorite Hillsong songs? Comment below and make sure to read the second post.


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Written by
Andre Kazadayev
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abafcbd?s=&#;d=mm&#;r=g Written by Andre Kazadayev