How Dr. Darrell Bock Approaches Topical Preaching

Dr. Bock talks about his work as a professor and pastor, including his approach to topical preaching (0:10), and Dr. David deSilva gives an overview of idol worship in ancient Ephesus (4:30).

Learn how to study the Bible with Dr. Bock

Dr. Darrell Bock, one of the world’s foremost biblical scholars, has distilled his decades of research and teaching experience into this single course on how to study the Bible with Logos. This is the ideal companion to your Logos base package.

Dr. Bock begins by teaching you how to read Scripture in four basic steps. Then he teaches you how to study Scripture by understanding its original context and genre it was written and the social, literary, and historical elements of context; following that, he covers genres, like narrative and biography, and subgenres, like those in the Psalms.

Dr. Bock’s teaching is paired with nearly a dozen Logos training videos. You’ll learn how to use the new features in Logos as you explore the life of the apostle Peter, uncover the literary context of Ruth, find all of the Davidic Psalms about God’s faithfulness, and more. If you want to study the Bible on a deeper level using Logos, and you need a place to start, this course was designed for you.
Get this popular course today.

Keep learning with Dr. David deSilva

Join Dr. David deSilva as he describes important cultural concepts from the first century and shows how these concepts shed light on the New Testament. Learn why the author of 1 Peter spoke to the shame Christians were experiencing and what cultural norms they had to fight against as they sought to follow Christ.

Discover how grace and gratitude were viewed differently than they are today. Learn what purity meant for Jews, how patronage and reciprocity impacted everyday decisions, how families and households operated, and more. Dr. deSilva pulls from a variety of sources to explain these concepts and uses the books of Hebrews and 1 Peter to illustrate them.

Get the Cultural World of the New Testament course today.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff