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8 Simple Words (and Some Great Books) That Will Help You Serve the Church


“Let me get back to you on that.”

Years ago, an older, wiser Christian taught me how those eight little words would help me better serve other believers. As an eager, young church leader, I would over commit, agreeing to take on responsibilities until my schedule—and my sanity—were bursting at the seams.

By committing to help so many people, I was actually limiting my ability to serve others. But asking for time to consider an opportunity allowed me to thoughtfully evaluate how it fit my priorities and calling.

It also assured those who asked that I genuinely cared and would consider how I could best serve them.

Those words can be just as effective when you’re faced with a biblical or theological question for which you don’t have immediate answers. When you say, “Let me get back to you on that,” you’re humbly acknowledging that you don’t know everything—but you’re going to seek answers.

That’s why having resources where you can find the answers is so important. And knowing how to find those answers is equally essential.

Find answers from across the spectrum

When you’re seeking answers about a particularly complex theological topic, you need a well-rounded understanding of different viewpoints. A great way to access those diverse perspectives is the Spectrum series from Inter Varsity Press. (It’s included in the IVP Academic Library Expansion Bundle, which is 30% off this month only).

Covering baptism, science and Christianity, justification, the Millennium, women in ministry, predestination & free will, hell, and many other important topics, these book-length treatments feature chapters by thoughtful scholars and pastors representing differing viewpoints.

Since these resources are completely searchable inside Logos, you can look up, for instance, paedobaptism and see results not just from this series but from your theological journals, systematic theologies, monographs, and other resources.

This is a great way to fill out your library on a spectrum of important biblical and theological issues. When combined with the resources already in your Logos library, you’ll have quick access to biblical answers. (And you’ll get a great deal when you get it bundled with with the IVP Expansion Bundle.)

Understand important theological terms

Whether you’re studying biblical Hebrew or biblical studies, worship or world religions, you’re bound to run into a few unfamiliar terms. The IVP Pocket Reference Series, also included in the IVP Expansion Bundle, features over a dozen handy guides to the people, terms, events, and concepts of biblical and theological topics:

  • Biblical Hebrew
  • Church History
  • Liturgy and worship
  • Reformed Tradition
  • Theology
  • New Testament Greek
  • Apologetics and philosophy of religion
  • And more.


There are other great series included in the IVP Academic Library Expansion Bundle, including New Testament volumes from the Reformation Commentary on Scripture and guided studies on essential topics like discipleship and evangelism. This month only, you can save over $200 when you get them in the bundle. Get it now to save 30% off the regular price.

Brandmark x
Written by
Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Brandmark x Written by Logos Staff