The Future of Bible Study Is Here: See What’s New in Logos

Why Christians Study Theology Together

mobile ed summer session x

Studying in community allows Christians to ask questions, learn, and grow together. Christianity is not a religion of isolation. Jesus taught his followers to create a community of believers, and this Christian community keeps each member connected and accountable.

“Doctrines are not God: they are only a kind of map. But that map is based on the experience of hundreds of people who really were in touch with God—experiences compared with which any thrills or pious feelings you and I are likely to get on our own are very elementary and very confused.”
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Theology is complex. It is a journey meant to be shared with others whose lives have been touched by God. When Christians unite to study the Word they are able to access the Word in a new and powerful way, with combined insights and levels of experience. There are opportunities for Christians to join groups within the church, but what about individuals who want to dig deeper into specific theological topics? How can those individuals get plugged in?

Learn in community this summer

This summer, for the first time ever, Mobile Ed users were able to learn together in online groups moderated by Mobile Ed’s very own editors. Participants in Summer Session courses explored the world of Jesus and the Gospels, examined a missional approach to world religions, and studied techniques for dynamic preaching all together in community, using Faithlife Groups for communication. This type of enhanced learning experience allows participants from all over the world to get involved, interact, and engage in discussion regarding various theological issues.

Although the final Summer Session course will be wrapping up soon, you can still access the discussion questions written by the course moderators and stimulate your thinking on these topics by reading the discussions that have taken place within each course’s Faithlife group. From daily prayer to lively debate, participants are encouraged to learn and grow together whether they are in a moderated course or are accessing the Faithlife group of another Mobile Ed course to engage with others who are working through the same material.

Get a Mobile Ed course today and join a Faithlife group to interact with other learners as you dig deeper into theology!

Written by
Liz Melton
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 x Written by Liz Melton