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What’s in My Library: Analytical Lexicon


Today’s guest post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos training seminars. In this series, Morris answers the question, “What’s in my library?”

Analytical Lexicon

Definition: In addition to providing definitions for Hebrew or Greek words, an analytical lexicon examines the various forms of words used in the original texts. In other words, it not only provides definitions for the lemmas (root words), it also offers information about the inflected or manuscript forms of the Hebrew or Greek words used in the Bible. The analytical lexicon is arranged alphabetically according to the Hebrew or Greek words.

Example: Analytical Lexicon of the Greek NT

Application: Imagine coming to the word “logos” in your study of John 1:1. You notice the word is used as a subject of a sentence but you’re curious if the word is ever used in a different case as a direct object. An analytical lexicon will get you well on your way to discovering the answer.

For more tips like this, be sure to visit Morris Proctor’s mpSeminars website and his Tips & Tricks blog.

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