The Exegetical Guide is perfectly suited for digging deep into the grammar and syntax of a passage of Scripture. It provides you with a wealth of information from your grammars, critical apparatuses, lexicons, and more.
When you’ve landed on a particular portion of Scripture that you’re going to study in depth in the original Greek or Hebrew—perhaps for a sermon or paper—the Exegetical Guide is the tool for the task. But sometimes you may just want to see what your grammars have to say about a verse here and there as you’re jumping from passage to passage following cross references and looking at parallel passages. Did you know that you can use the Exegetical Guide for this kind of study as well?
All you need to do is link your Bible to the Exegetical Guide by setting them to share the same link set (e.g., Link Set A), and the Exegetical Guide will follow you wherever you go—providing nearly instant access to every place your grammars discuss the passage you’re looking at. Just click the chain icon at the top of both windows, and set them to the same letter.
To keep the Exegetical Guide as speedy as possible, you can collapse the sections that you’re not as interested in. Just click the minus sign to collapse a section and the plus sign to expand it again.
This is perfect for the times you’re moving around and haven’t settled on just one passage to dig into to. Give it a try. It’s like having someone looking over your shoulder while you’re studying the Bible and finding every occurrence of the passage you’re in in all of your grammars—only instantly!
By the way, you can also do this with the Passage Guide to always have your favorite commentaries just a click away, or with the Reference Browser to have instant access to the places your passage occurs in your favorite collections of books like the Church Fathers, Systematic Theology texts, Old and New Testament Introductions, etc.