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Themelios: A Wealth of Evangelical Scholarship

themelios collage

Journals are perfect resources to have in your Libronix library. I turn to my journals collection over and over again. Finding relevant scholarly articles on a given topic or by a particular author takes just seconds with our powerful searching. Compare that to the amount of time it would take to pull hundreds of paper volumes off the shelf (assuming you even owned them all) and scan through each one’s table of contents.

Even more significant is the ability to find all of the occurrences of a particular passage of Scripture or mentions of certain words or phrases. In Libronix you can get these results in less time than it would take you to pull the first journal off your shelf and flip to the back, only to find out that there is no Scripture index or topic index. That’s right, if you want those kinds of results in print, you’ll have to read every volume cover to cover!

We already have dozens of first-rate journals available for purchase, but we’re always looking to add more. Our latest offering is Themelios, “an international evangelical theological journal that expounds and defends the historic Christian faith.” From 1975 until 2007, Themelios was a publication of the RTSF/UCCF in the UK. In 2008 The Gospel Coalition acquired it and continues to release top-notch content.

Contributors to the journal include leading evangelical scholars and pastors such as Richard Bauckham, G. K. Beale, Craig Blomberg, Gerald Bray, Geoffrey Bromiley, D. A. Carson, Peter Enns, R. T. France, Ronald Fung, Richard Gaffin, Simon Gathercole, Michael Haykin, Paul Helm, Tim Keller, Derek Kidner, Robert Letham, Richard Longenecker, I. Howard Marshall, Alister McGrath, Richard Mouw, Scott Oliphant, J. I. Packer, Clark Pinnock, Stanley Porter, Philip Graham Ryken, Thomas Schreiner, John Stott, Carl Trueman, David Wright, N. T. Wright, Robert Yarbrough, and many more.

Written by
Phil Gons

Follower of Jesus, husband of Shanna, father of five, Chief Product Officer at Logos, PhD (ABD) Theology, reader, learner, blogger, technophile.

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