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Tag - Money

Six Side Jobs for Seminarians

Seminary doesn’t pay for itself, nor does the rent. But, what jobs are best to balance the study load and the budget? After talking with some seminarians, here are six ideas to get you started finding a job to help support your study habits. 1...

Can You Go To Seminary Debt Free?

If God has called you to get a seminary education, here are some tips that might help you to go debt free or reduce your debt. 1.  Get a ministry position, even if it is part-time, and serve for several years before going to seminary.    By doing...

Billion with a B

The world has 1125 billionaires. The most common search term that brings people to our website is “seminary scholarship.” You connect the dots.

Seminary Meme Competition

Update: For some reason Technorati and WordPress are not picking up all the links from everyone’s site who is participating in the meme. For this reason, please drop a comment on this post after you’ve filled out the meme so we can...

Date Night

I once had a pastor who had the Rule of 7: Every 7 days take your wife on a date Every 7 weeks take your wife on a weekend get-away Every 7 months take your wife on a week’s vacation Now, that sounds all good-and-well but my mental calculator...

Educational Debt Payments After Seminary

Sorry to post another dismal post about debt, but it is a harsh reality we need to wrestle with. As stated before, this information comes from a survey conducted by The Association of Theological Schools (ATS). The survey questioned 5,113 graduates...

Educational Debt Incurred at Seminary

I was reading the results from survey conducted by The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) this evening and was fascinated by some of the findings. The survey was conducted on graduating students from member schools of the ATS and included...

Money and Flowers

Strange how stressed we get about money… or maybe that is just me… right? As Christians aren’t we supposed to look at the flowers of the field and see that God clothes them is splendor and be reminded that he will also take care of...

Budgeting Made Easy

I’ve spent years trying to find the best way for Just a Gal and I to manage our money. While I’d like to think that I had the noble motives of being the best steward of the gifts God gave us, the reality was that most of the time I was...

6 ways to save money in seminary

Take it down a notch – Americans love their space. However, have you notice that the rest of the world is not so space obsessed. I am always humbled when I see images of other countries where entire families live in 1 and 2 bedroom houses. I...

Rent your books for seminary?

Ok, I found this about 8 seconds ago and was so interested that I had to post about it. Apparently this company, Chegg, rents college textbooks. The cost to rent for a semester is about 55-65% off the list price. Now, yes, I think you should buy all...

Health Insurance for seminary

Ok, health insurance is a pain in the neck. It is expensive and if you’re not on a company plan it is even more expensive. So, what are you to do? Well, first thing is to try and land a job that actually provides health insurance. Trick with...

Can I afford seminary?

The fact is that seminary is expensive. So, when trying to make the decision on going to seminary, it is important to spend some time crunching the numbers. Now, this isn’t the determining factor, but it is certainly one you must consider...

Average tuition cost for seminary student

According to a report from the Association of Theological Schools, the average tuition for a full time seminary student (05-06 school year) was $11,039. So, if that’s the average… then some of you are paying less and some more… I...

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