Dr. Lynn Cohick, professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, discusses key themes and texts in the book of Acts (:10), and the band The Royal Royal gives a rooftop performance in Bellingham, WA (3:15). Keep learning about the story and structure...
Dr. Lynn Cohick talks about understanding the apostle Paul in his historical context (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser gives some insights on interpreting Scripture (4:55). Study the New Testament with Dr. Lynn Cohick Gain a better understanding of...
Dr. Lynn Cohick talks about understanding the apostle Paul in his historical context (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser gives some insights on interpreting Scripture (4:55). Study the New Testament with Dr. Lynn Cohick Gain a better understanding of...
Keep learning about the New Testament’s story and structure Dr. Lynn Cohick, professor of New Testament at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, is interested in studying how average Jews and Christians lived out their faith in the ancient...
Paul’s letters are among the most beloved books of the Bible. Their balance of both deep theological insights and practical advice makes them invaluable resources for the church today. In the Mobile Ed: Paul’s Letters Bundle, leading experts...
What was it like to be among the first Christians? The book of Acts documents this dynamic and monumental period of our history, the implications of which are far reaching for life and ministry. What were the issues which drove the early Church...