"Life in lockdown is exhausting." Prof John Barclay
"Most NT scholars are not well-acquainted with cognitive linguistics. (I’m certainly not.) That’s why I think we should be all the more careful when we immerse ourselves too deep in associative meanings."
One scholar has referred to 2 Corinthians as the “sleeping giant” of Paul’s letters—often under-appreciated but packing explosive theological power.
The new habitus of the Christian community "is always patterned around the death and resurrection of Jesus."
by Adam Winn | University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Rome and Rome’s empire have always been recognized as significant pieces of the New Testament’s background. It was a Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to die on a Roman cross. It was a Roman...
We’ve had a few significant posts on the Dead Sea Scrolls on the blog in the last few weeks, including Craig Evans’s breaking news of the discovery of Cave 12, and then a follow-up post that asked the question of the importance of studying the...
The big news of last week was the announcement by Hebrew University, and Craig Evans here on theLAB, that a 12th Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) cave was discovered just last month. But why are the DSS important? I’ll look at three main reasons...