Dr. Jay Sklar discusses the book of Leviticus (:10), and Dr. Steve Runge talks about friendship and the book of Proverbs (6:00). Learn more about Leviticus In this course, Book Study: Leviticus, Dr. Jay Sklar walks you through the challenging...
Tremper Longman III is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College. He’s written over 25 books, and his writings have been translated into 17 different languages. He’s one of the main translators of the New Living...
3 Cities, 2 Battles, 1 Rallying Cry. Biblical archaeology and geography have much to teach us. David fought many battles, but there is one that stands out in the memory of the Israelites. After David was anointed king and he conquered Jerusalem and...
Faithlife Live is a cross-denominational show that covers engaging theological topics, featuring in-depth conversations with key ministry leaders. In this Faithlife Live, Dr. Craig Evans discusses the value of archaeology and how it sheds light on...
Dr. Craig Evans discusses the intersection between archaeology and theology (0:10), and we show a Faithlife Proclaim tip on exporting and sharing slides (3:30). Study archaeology with Craig Evans In the Mobile Ed course Archaeology and the New...
Each time an artifact related to the biblical narrative is unearthed in Israel or the surrounding lands of the Bible it becomes a witness to the perfection of God’s Word. And it happens all the time. Here are six recent archaeological...
Dr. Craig Evans discusses the intersection between archaeology and theology (0:10), and get a Faithlife Proclaim tip on exporting and sharing slides (3:30). Study archaeology with Craig Evans In Archaeology and the New Testament, Dr. Craig Evans...
Photographs by David Gill We are pleased to feature an exclusive interview with the co-editors of an exciting collection of essays on Christianity and the ancient city, The Urban World and the First Christians (UWFC). This interview with Steve...
In Mark chapter 8, Jesus heals a blind man at a pool in Bethsaida. But what if no archaeological evidence for Bethsaida exists? Would you question the Gospels? Or what if first-century crucifixion practices weren’t actually how Scripture...
The big news of last week was the announcement by Hebrew University, and Craig Evans here on theLAB, that a 12th Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) cave was discovered just last month. But why are the DSS important? I’ll look at three main reasons...
We’re pleased to announce a new partnership with The American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), an academic organization dedicated to the study and preservation of the culture and history of the Near East. Committed to “initiating...