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Sermon Transcription: Audio to Transcripts Instantly

Since many of you are preachers and teachers, you may be interested to know that Faithlife Sermons now offers automatic sermon transcription.

Faithlife Sermons is a sermon resource and database for preachers and teachers, where you can find sermon illustrations, sermon art, outlines, and other resources.

You can also archive and organize your own sermons, which is where the sermon transcription feature comes in. With a full-text version of your sermon audio, you can search all your sermons easily and use the results to tag and catalog them.

Additionally, you make your sermons more useful and easy to repurpose:

  • People can read along as they listen to your sermon on your church website or Faithlife TV. (Faithlife Sermons syncs the audio and text automatically.)
  • You can repurpose the text into blog posts, newsletters, or content for a book.
  • You can print the text to provide your congregation with a full manuscript they can refer to later (or your students, if you’re a professor).

You may think of other creative ways of using your sermon; the point is having a full-text manuscript opens up a lot of possibility.

Get an overview of how automatic sermon transcription works. You can get your first three sermons transcribed for free with a trial to Faithlife Sermons.

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Logos Staff

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