The Future of Bible Study Is Here: See What’s New in Logos

See How Beautiful Eulogy Combines Beats and the Bible

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Beautiful Eulogy is well-known for weaving powerful theology with fresh beats. The Christian hip hop trio from Portland, Oregon both challenges and encourages believers with lines like, “How can mankind decide how God should be identified? Can you alter the truth if you accept or deny? Do the stars disappear when the blind look at the sky, or do they simply fail to see what was there the whole time?”

How do they consistently produce meaningful lyrics? On Faithlife Today, Braille and Courtland Urbano shared that it all starts with Scripture:

So why is personal Bible study so important for a hip hop artist?

Courtland says, “I have to know it intimately for myself. I can’t necessarily just take a definition that came from someone else and just spew it out mechanically or robotically. If it hasn’t penetrated my heart, then it’s just going to be super dry.”

Creatively blending theology and beats isn’t as simple as reading your Bible and waiting for inspiration to strike. You have to enter into the theological conversation.

Courtland continued, “It’s a huge encouragement to walk into something and realize that I’m not the first man who has wrestled or juggled with these ideas. . . . I’m at that point entering into a legacy of believers who have studied God’s Word and sought to make him known. It’s a collaborative effort. I’m collaborating with theologians who have already passed away.”

For Beautiful Eulogy, Logos makes this possible. “Logos did for me what I couldn’t do on my own,” Braille says. “It brought all the resources to one consolidated location and expedited my study process.”


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Written by
Ryan Nelson

Ryan Nelson is a writer for OverviewBible, where he uses Logos to explore the characters, groups, places, and books of the Bible. He has served in a variety of volunteer ministry positions, primarily through Young Life.

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caebafaf?s=&#;d=mm&#;r=g Written by Ryan Nelson