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What’s on Wyatt Graham’s Bookshelf? 10 Favorites

Four books from Wyatt Graham's Bookshelf that are featured in the article.

Editor’s note: The resources recommended in our On the Shelf series are the opinions of the featured individuals, not those of Logos. We are publishing a breadth of voices to reflect varying perspectives within the church.

Wyatt Graham (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as the executive director of The Gospel Coalition Canada. You can follow him on X at @wagraham.

Summa Theologica

1. Summa Theologica, by Thomas Aquinas

Thomas, as Peter Kreeft put it, is the master of common sense. I often find deep clarity in Thomas, although as a Protestant, I don’t always agree with him!

The Trinity (De Trinitate)

2. On the Trinity (De Trinitate), by St. Augustine

It’s a masterclass of biblical and theological insight. I recently taught a class on the doctrine of God using it, too. It’s very readable.


3. Confessions, by St. Augustine

It’s a classic of spirituality—a prayer to God in the language of the Psalms, which shows Augustine’s descent from God and ascent back to him.

The Burnout Society

4. The Burnout Society, by Byung-Chul Han

I recommend anything by Byung-Chul Han, but especially his Burnout Society, since it describes our age so well and so insightfully.


5. Philosophy in the Mass Age, by George Grant

It’s an easy book to give away to someone who wants to see how the mass age has reshaped how we work as a society and what the loss of natural law means.

Institutes of the Christian Religion

6. Institutes of the Christian Religion, by John Calvin

Read this one for his beautiful prose and clear writing style.

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Calvin's Commentaries

7. Calvin’s Commentaries

I recommend any commentary by John Calvin because of their lucid brevity.

Five Theological Orations

8. The Five Theological Orations, by St. Gregory of Nazianzus

They are a brilliant exposition of trinitarian doctrine in sermon format.

On the Incarnation of God the Word

9. On the Incarnation of God the Word, by St. Athanasius

It’s a classic.

The Freedom of the Christian by Martin Luther

10. The Freedom of the Christian, by Martin Luther

It’s a sweet classic on our salvation and freedom in Christ.

Don’t miss these other book recommendations

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