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Master Journal Bundle: A Treasure Trove of Insights

Journals are an essential resource when it comes to identifying the intimate details of any given subject. Whether you’re doing a word study or exploring the history of a theological concept, journals can help you better understand the various subtleties found in Scripture.

Recognizing their importance in the interpretation of the Word, we’ve created the Master Journal Bundle: our largest collection of journals ever compiled. This collection contains over 1,280 volumes of journals covering a wide variety of topics, such as biblical studies, church history, practical ministry, and more. Worth over $10,000.00 in print, these digitized versions are on Pre-Pub for only $599.95.

Pre-order them today to lock in your price and help move this bundle toward production!

Journals for every student

This collection comes with a variety of journals covering a vast range of subjects. Some of the titles in this collection are:

  • Biblical Archaeologist 55–60, 6 vols. (1992–1997)
  • Bibliotheca Sacra 1–171, 171 vols. (1844–2014)
  • Bulletin for Biblical Research 1–23, 23 vols. (1991–2013)
  • Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 285–368, 84 vols. (1992–2012)
  • Churchman 1, 6, 12–13, 15–21, 32, 38–40, 42–44, 46–126, 99 vols. (1886, 1892, 1898, 1901–1907, 1918, 1924–1926, 1928–1929, 1932–2010)
  • Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 1–18, 18 vols. (1996–2013)
  • FilologĂ­a Neotestamentaria 1–22, 22 vols. (1988–2009)
  • First Things 1–25, 25 vols. (1990-2014)
  • Founders Press Journal, 92 vols. (1995–2014)
  • Journal of Biblical Apologetics 1–11, 11 vols. (2000–2008)
  • Journal of Biblical Literature 100–125, 26 vols. (1981–2006)
  • Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry 1–4, 4 vols. (2010–2014)
  • Journal of Dispensational Theology 10–17, 8 vols. (2006–2013)
  • Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 1–11, 11 vols. (1997–2011)
  • Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 1–37, 37 vols. (1975–2011)
  • Journal of Theological Interpretation 1–6, 6 vols. (2007–2012)
  • Letter and Spirit 1–8, 8 vols. (2005–2013)
  • And more!

You’ll also get various magazines and reviews in this collection, including:

  • Christian History and Biography Magazine 1–99, 99 issues
  • Review of Biblical Literature 1–9, 9 vols. (1998–2006)
  • And more!

Make your journals work for you

With Logos 6, you can get far more from your journals than the standard print versions. Get precise search results from all of your scholarly journals—search a verse in your Passage Guide or Sermon Starter Guide, and your results include a list of links to relevant journal articles both online and in your library. No more filtering out the results you want or performing multiple searches: now you can get results from all your journals at once.

Over a century of knowledge at your fingertips

The Master Journal Bundle can help further your study of the biblical text by offering in-depth analysis of various biblical texts and theological ideas. Formerly, access to this wealth of information was only available through libraries in a cumbersome print format. But now in Logos, you can access all of these completely searchable journals at a fraction of the cost. Make sure to take advantage of the Pre-Pub price of $599.95!

Pre-order the Master Journal Bundle and add a wealth of understanding to your library.

Written by
Daniel Motley

Daniel Motley works as the Team Lead of Live Products at Faithlife. He helps promote resources in the Logos Bible Software platform while overseeing a group of product managers. In his spare time he likes to write and has contributed to The Gospel Coalition and the Art of Manliness.

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Written by Daniel Motley