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Become a Logos Now Member Today

In the late 80’s, American Express ran the slogan “Membership has its privileges.” The campaign was so ubiquitous, I can’t help but think of it when I hear about membership programs.

Well, Logos Now is our exclusive membership program for Logos 6 base package owners.

As a Logos Now member, you get exclusive access and benefits to content, services, features, and discounts not found anywhere else. Some of those member benefits are available right now, like access to the following content and tools:

But the benefits don’t end there. In every release of Logos Now (roughly every 6 weeks) you’ll get access to more and more content, services, tools, and features, which makes your membership even more valuable over time.

When Amazon Prime launched in 2005, they only offered one benefit: unlimited two-day shipping. Over time, more benefits were released, including instant video, music, unlimited photo storage, and the Kindle lending library.

Like Amazon Prime, the content, services, and features of Logos Now will only grow with time. Logos Now members will get exclusive discounts, special offers, and a better web app experience. These features and discounts will be yours for as long as you’re a member.

Your first month is on us!

We want to make a Logos Now membership an irresistibly compelling value for you today—and even more so in the future. In the meantime, we’d like you to enjoy your first month of Logos Now for free with a monthly subscription.


Start your monthly membership.

Written by
Chris duMond
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Written by Chris duMond