Author - Jake Mailhot

Jake Mailhot is the product manager for Lexham Press. He also writes about baseball and lives in Bellingham, WA.

Geerhardus Vos on Salvation

The first three volumes of Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics establish Vos’ thought regarding the character of God, the nature of man, and the person of Christ. The fourth volume in this five-volume set begins an examination of the...

Why Does the Supernatural Matter?

The Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) has driven the Christian mission since the birth of the church. We are called to be partners with God in taking the Kingdom to the ends of the earth.  But we are just individuals working within a larger whole...

Introduce Yourself to Abraham Kuyper

Last week, we announced a new series of translations of Abraham Kuyper’s writings in public theology. This monumental series is comprised of eight key works across 12 volumes. While most of the translation has already been completed, producing these...

The Unseen Realm: Now Available!

The threads of the unseen realm are woven throughout Scripture. They begin before creation, can be seen throughout the Old Testament, and have major implications for Jesus’ mission in the New Testament. However, because of our modern perspective...

Prepare High-Quality Sermons, Fast

Pastors have an incredible number of job duties to perform. It’s amazing they find the time to juggle ministering to their congregation, meetings with staff and administrative work, and sermon prep every single week. Thom Rainer of LifeWay recently...

The Power of Words in a Digital Age

There is great significance to words—not only what is said but how it’s said. We often choose to say something a certain way for emphasis, to direct the conversation, or to better communicate our point. We don’t overtly think about these devices...

Get More out of Your James Study

We love creating unique resources to help you study the Bible. In the latest issue of Bible Study Magazine, we featured the book of James. And to help you maximize your study of this letter, we’ve put together the Lexham Press James Bundle. You can...

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