How to Get the Most out of Logos Features

Logos Feature Expansion Collections

What’s your favorite Logos 6 feature? Ancient Literature tool? The Factbook? Textual Variants?

There is a smart way to make your favorite features even more powerful, and 1,063+ Logos users have already started enhancing their libraries with these exciting new collections. They’re called the Feature Expansion Collections.

We know it’s hard to build a great library effectively, so we’ve hand-curated a number of incredible resource collections to maximize the performance of Logos 6’s features. Brandon Rappuhn, one of Logos’ product strategists, has spent hours hand-selecting these resources, so I sat down with him to talk about these exciting new products. All of these expansion collections are available on There, you can choose the expansion collection that fits your interests, or you can get them all. Plus, if you happen to already own any of these resources, you’ll save big with Dynamic Pricing. 

You can watch our interview as part of this episode of Faithlife Today, or jump to the transcript below.

Simon: So tell me, what’s so special about the Feature Expansion Collections?

Brandon: We’ve always had customers asking, “How can I best build out the features that I love in Logos? Which books do I need to add to my library to ‘fill it up’?” So we created these collections to answer that question. We want to make it easy for you to get all the resources that make the features you love even better.

Simon:  Who did you have in mind while creating these collections?

Brandon: We were thinking especially about the specialists—those who really depend on specific features in Logos, like linguists, who depend on the grammars section of the exegetical guide. Or pastors, who love to look through the Sermon Finder in the Passage Guide. So we created these collections to really bring out those features for those people.

Simon:  Is there a favorite collection of yours?

Brandon: Well, there are a couple. But specifically, I love the Systematic Theologies Expansion Collection (183 vols.) because I really like studying theology myself. In this collection—which we just created in the wake of Logos Now—we added a bunch of new resources that we’ve never sold before. They were put into production just for those who purchase this collection.

Brandon: We’re also doing the same thing for the Sermon Finder Expansion Collection (236 vols.) (17,000+ sermons). Even though the Sermon Finder tool has been around for a while, we decided to put in a few new resources that we’ve never sold before specifically for those who buy this collection.

Simon: Is it right that the Sermon Finder Collection has over 17,000 sermons in it?

Brandon: Yeah, it actually has quite a bit more than that.

Simon: Talk about impressive, let’s talk about the Master Expansion Collection. What makes the Master Expansion Collection so exciting, and why is it such a great deal?

Brandon: It’s not that it just has all the resources of all the other expansion collections, but it puts them on sale at an even bigger discount. So, if you were to add up the retail price of all the individual books that make each individual expansion collections, the price we sell it at is about 70% off of the combined price of what those retail price is.

The Master Expansion Collection (600+ vols.) takes it to the next level at about 75% off. So, if you want one or more of the regular collections, the Master Expansion Collection is a great way get all of the feature expansion collections if you use more than one of Logos 6’s tools.

Simon: Did we talk about Dynamic Pricing?

Brandon: Yes, Dynamic Pricing is available in all of these collections. What that means is you can get any them without paying for resources that you already own. And, if you have a high-level base package, you’re already getting big discounts.

Simon: Whoa, that’s super exciting. Thanks for telling us all about it.

Brandon: Thanks, Simon.


Get the best performance out of all your features with our exciting new Feature Expansion Collections.


Written by
Simon Villeneuve

Simon is an American family-man and businessman. He's married to his middle-school sweetheart and has four children, four-and-under.

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Written by Simon Villeneuve
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