Prepare for Fall Preaching Right Now

During the summer, church life slows down. Many small groups go on hiatus, and schedules fill up with travel plans and other adventures. During this downturn, pastors and ministers look forward to fall and winter when things start to pick up again. Summer is the perfect time for long-term planning—including your preaching ministry.

Are you looking forward to the next ministry season? The Lexham Press Preaching & Teaching Bundle includes 40 practical resources focused on sharing God’s Word with others. Built for pastors, teachers, and other ministry leaders, this bundle has everything you need to make your teaching more efficient and more effective.

With this bundle, you’ll save 60% off what you would have spent to purchase all the titles individually. And if you preach or teach in the church, you’ll find these volumes to be invaluable as you study, prepare, and present your lessons.

Top 3 preaching resources

There are so many incredible resources contained in this bundle, so I’ll highlight just three of them.

  1. LTW-223Appearing for the first time outside of a base package, the Lexham Theological Wordbook is a groundbreaking resource built for Logos. This resource organizes entries by theological concepts rather than Greek or Hebrew lemmas. Related words are grouped together, giving you easy access to the most relevant terms without needing to go back and forth throughout the volume. For example, the entry on Grace includes three Hebrew entries and four Greek entries, giving you a theological overview of the concept that spans both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  2. Spurgeon commentaryThe Spurgeon Commentary Series exemplifies the application-oriented preaching commentaries that are included in this bundle. With these commentaries, you’ll take advantage of the incredible features of Logos Bible Software like the Sermon Starter Guide. Illustrations and applications are tagged with preaching themes so you can easily benefit from the incredible wisdom of Charles Spurgeon. Combined with our High Definition Commentaries, and the Study, Apply, Share series, your sermon preparation will be more efficient and more comprehensive than ever.
  3. Spread the Word_For PDPAre you looking for some encouragement for the next ministry season? Let church leaders like Beth Moore, John MacArthur, David Platt, and Tim Keller speak into your life. In Speak the Word, Spread the Word, and Study the Word, you’ll find over 30 inspirational stories from influential pastors and Christian leaders. You’ll find a renewed passion for spreading the gospel around the world and learn from people who are carrying out God’s kingdom-building work.




Get 60% off the Lexham Press Preaching & Teaching Bundle, then check out the other deals in the Lexham Press Summer Sale. Hurry! You only have through the end of July.

Written by
Jake Mailhot

Jake Mailhot is the product manager for Lexham Press. He also writes about baseball and lives in Bellingham, WA.

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Written by Jake Mailhot