Learn from the Experts with the Lexham Methods Series

A few weeks ago, we dropped the price of the Lexham Methods Series to $60: that’s over 75% off, an incredible discount on such a valuable resource. Have you placed your Community Pricing bid? If not, you should bid right now—a price this low won’t last long!

Need a bit more convincing? Our team of scholars has put hours of research and writing into the resource, but to make it even better, we’ve also called on a number of expert contributors. Lexham Methods is a collaboration between professors, linguists, and our in-house research team.

Here’s what our partners have to say about their work on the Methods series:

What’s most rewarding about working on the Lexham Methods Series?

David B. Schreiner (PhD): My favorite part of working with the series is rising to the challenge. Writing on a particular interpretive method forces you to know all aspects of the method. Writing for an audience that’s not necessarily restricted to the academy forces you to be on top of your game. You have to communicate ideas in a way that ensures broad-scale understanding.

Amy Balogh (PhD candidate, Iliff School of Theology & University of Denver): The best part about working on the Lexham Methods Series is the opportunity to share my understanding of the biblical text as a skillfully crafted work of art. Knowing that all who read from this series will come away with fresh, new insights into the text makes the project one that’s worthy of the time, effort, and care going into it.

How can the Lexham Methods Series help our users make their Bible study better?

John DelHousaye (PhD, associate professor, Phoenix Seminary): The Lexham Methods Series takes many of the best insights of biblical scholarship in the last two centuries and presents them in an understandable, practical way for the serious student of God’s Word.

Douglas Estes (PhD, lead pastor, Trinity Church & adjunct professor, Phoenix Seminary): With the Logos platform, Bible students of all levels can use this series as an easy-to-understand reference running parallel to the text. As a result, it has great potential to eliminate the divide between the professional scholar and the everyday Bible student.

What sets the Lexham Methods Series apart from similar products?

Judith Odor (PhD candidate, Asbury Theological Seminary): The brevity of the chapters—of each treatment of each method—makes the LMS unique in its field. There may be other introductions to various methods that offer the same depth of material, but they’re much lengthier, they’re more involved, they’re less approachable, and they don’t offer such a wide range of methods for your perusal, refreshment, or education.

Jeffery Leonard (PhD, assistant professor, Samford University): One of the best things about the Lexham Methods Series is the way it walks the reader step by step through each individual method, giving examples and comparisons along the way. It does a great job of balancing theory on the one hand with practical examples on the other.

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Understand and interpret the Bible better than ever before. Bid now on the Lexham Methods Series!

Written by
Jake Mailhot

Jake Mailhot is the product manager for Lexham Press. He also writes about baseball and lives in Bellingham, WA.

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Written by Jake Mailhot
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