How to Check Out a Collection—Risk-Free

Have you ever purchased a commentary that you found yourself returning to over and over? You knew it was part of a larger collection, but you also knew purchasing the collection would mean paying for that one commentary again?

I have good news for you.

If you buy a title and soon thereafter decide that you’d like to have the collection instead, we’ll credit the cost of the title toward the collection. This is a great way to test out a series before you invest in the whole thing.

For example: Let’s say you have been looking at the Word Biblical Commentary for some time. Since you are planning to start preaching through Romans, you decide to buy Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 38a: Romans 1-8. You quickly realize that this commentary series is exactly what you have been looking for, but you don’t want to purchase a collection with a volume that you have already paid for. Don’t worry, we will deduct your recent Romans commentary purchase from the cost of the collection.

In the long run an investment in a collection is going to be much better deal than buying a couple commentaries at a time. The 59 volume Word Biblical Commentary is cheaper than 15 individual Word Biblical Commentaries!

Here are some of our collections that can be purchased individually or as a set:

This is a great way to test drive a commentary series before you invest in a whole set. If you are looking for a couple superb individual titles to check out, take a look at:

For more information or to find out if your purchase qualifies, email or call sales at 1-800-875-6467.

Today’s guest post is by Bethany Olsen, from the Logos Bible Software marketing team.

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Logos Staff

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