Rent your books for seminary?

Ok, I found this about 8 seconds ago and was so interested that I had to post about it.
Apparently this company, Chegg, rents college textbooks. The cost to rent for a semester is about 55-65% off the list price. Now, yes, I think you should buy all your seminary books and keep them as a resource for the rest of your life and then pass them along to someone when you die… However, if money is tight, this might be a good solution.

I did a quick search for “systematic theology” and it returned 213 results. So, it looks, at first glance, that they would have the books you’d need. Also, I found that if you use the code: Rent4Spring you can get a 5% discount.

Finally, as you might notice in the ad, they’ll plant a tree for every book you rent… so that is always nice.

As for book renting… I don’t know… if anything it is interesting. Your thoughts?

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns