A Place for Hope: An Interview with Dr. Gregory Jantz

Recently, Logos had the opportunity to speak with author Dr. Gregory Jantz, founder of A Place for Hope, a treatment center in Seattle for individuals struggling with addiction, depression, trauma, and other life challenges. Additionally, he is a partner at Kratom.org where he writes about natural ways the alkaloids found in kratom can help alleviate pain so Americans don’t have to turn to addictive painkillers like Oxycontin.

You founded A Place of Hope 30 years ago, you’ve written 28 books, you’ve impacted thousands of lives—you’re obviously doing something right. What’s the “whole person care” approach you implement at A Place for Hope?

The whole care approach is a model I created that puts together a team specifically based on what a patient’s needs are. We have medical, psychiatric, fitness, and natural health care staff, as well as massage therapists, counselors, pastors, and chemical-dependency doctors. A whole team fit for each individual.

How does your organization differentiate itself from other treatment centers for emotional and health issues?

We’re all Christians, so we’re [a] faith-based [organization]. The whole person care is the spiritual foundation. Our theme verse is Jeremiah 29:11—it’s on the wall by the entrance. That verse is a reminder and promise to us all that we have a future, and it’s good.

What are some tips for people feeling angry or distressed, and wanting to get rid of those feelings in a healthy way?

Those feelings have to be dealt with and recognized as a problem. Many times, we develop a [concept] of unforgiveness in our lives and don’t deal with reality or handle anger well. [Thus], the step to recovery is self-forgiveness. The second step takes on the question of “how am I going to forgive those who have hurt me?” The goal is to move from being angry to [understanding] what to do with that anger.

What inspired A Place for Hope—did you wake up one day and decide “I’m going to change thousands of lives”?

The idea of whole-person care came to me in college. It means living whole lives as God and Christ designed for us. The vision for A Place for Hope grew from the belief that you have to minister to the whole person in all aspects of life.

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Kent Sanner
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Written by Kent Sanner
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