Today’s guest post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos training seminars. In this series, Morris answers the question, “What’s in my library?”
Definition: Apologetics is the area of theology which seeks to defend and support the claims of Christianity. An apologetics book then contains these defenses of The Faith. This book would answer questions such as “Is the Bible reliable?” or “Did Jesus rise from the grave?” Some apologetics books are arranged topically according to subject matter while others are more of free-flowing narrative.
Example: Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Application: If someone were to ask you: “How can you be sure Jesus rose from the dead?” What proof can you give me the Bible is trustworthy?” Then turn to an apologetics book for answers.
For more tips like this, be sure to visit Morris Proctor’s mpSeminars website and his Tips & Tricks blog.