Digital Signage is a smart new approach to church announcements. It allows you to display announcements and Bible Art on monitors throughout your church building—all wireless. And it’s totally free.
It’s a simple and effective way to keep your church informed and engaged, and you can get the most from it using Proclaim:
- Create feeds for specific rooms (for example, advertise a youth retreat in the youth center, or an event for young moms in the nursery)
- Set any monitor to automatically display the church service presentation whenever a service is happening
- Set slides to start and expire at certain dates and times, ensuring announcements stay current
- Intersperse Bible Art throughout your slides
- And more
Ready to give it a try?
How to get set up
If you have Smart TVs, it’s really straightforward. (And if you don’t, there are some inexpensive options that work great.)
If now’s not the time for a Smart TV, you can still use Digital Signage. Jordan, one of the developers of Proclaim Digital Signage, is on staff at his church, and he worked out a pretty smart option to get it set up without Smart TVs.
Jordan’s church runs all their digital signs from a Mac Mini. Using its HDMI port (standard on nearly all computers and laptops these days), they plug in an HDMI to an RF Modulator, and from that run coaxial cables to their various TVs. (Coaxial cables are what network companies use when installing cable or internet.) That way every TV can hop on the Digital Signage channel and display the feed.
If this is giving you a headache, keep in mind that this is a workaround option. By far the easiest route—and what Digital Signage was designed for—is Smart TVs. If you decide to try a more complicated option, consider tapping the person in your church who’s good with technology to see if he or she will help you out.
Worth the effort
Digital Signage takes some effort up front but pays huge dividends afterward.
Once Jordan’s church got Digital Signage set up, announcements were a breeze. Their media director was able to update any slide from his computer anytime. Any computer with internet can make the updates, and updates are instantaneous. Plus, you can set start and end times so your slides are never out of date.
Now, Jordan’s church has relevant announcements displaying where people mingle every week, such as the visitor table, family center, cafe, children’s wing, and lobby.
Announcements are just the beginning. You can display:
- Bible Trivia
- Bible Art
- Photos from recent church events
- Your church service presentation
- And more
All of this amounts to more opportunities to reach and engage your congregation. You never know when an announcement or Bible verse will catch someone’s eye and inspire them to get more involved or grow in their faith.
Try Digital Signage now.
Don’t have Proclaim yet?
Start a free trial. For a month, you and your church will get access to powerful church presentation software, plus Pro Media, a collection of over 14,000 pieces of media designed just for churches. And you’ll be able to use Digital Signage to its full capacity to keep your church informed, inspired, and engaged.