By Reuben Evans The new series Angels follows up The Unseen Realm and Demons. It’s available for purchase on Faithlife TV. Pop culture and church tradition have a lot to say about angels. However, in this documentary series, Dr. Mike Heiser takes...
Hearing the word “demons” makes the skin crawl. It conjures up images from movie trailers and frightening stories of demon possession. Should Christians even think about demons? Bible scholar Dr. Michael Heiser is the perfect person to answer those...
By Jesse Meyers Earlier this month, I had a chance to cross the velvet rope and walk the red carpet. The Oscars? Nope, not this year. (Snubbed again!) No, I was part of a delegation of Faithlifers in attendance at the premiere of The...
Most often, time spent watching TV doesn’t reap dividends. It’s entertaining, and we get a “brain break.” But that’s it. These two Christian documentaries are not just entertaining—they’re so much more. Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God...
If there’s one part of the Bible virtually everyone has heard of, it’s 666—the “number of Beast.” And if there’s one thing no one can agree upon, it’s what that number stands for. We see 666 in Revelation 13:18: “let the one who has understanding...
Throughout the New Testament, “family language” is used to describe the relationship of believers to God and Jesus. The Lord’s prayer instructs us to address God as “our Father” (Matt 6:9). Hebrews 2:11–12 reveals that Jesus considers believers his...
Dr. Michael Heiser has carved out a unique reputation for helping people take a second look at Scripture. Whether it’s through his books on the supernatural realm, his video series on aliens and UFOs (seriously)*, or his video courses on biblical...
One of the hardest things for me to wrap my brain around as a Christian is how a God who defines himself as love (1 John 4:8) and defines the greatest form of love as laying down your life for someone else (John 15:13) could lead Israel on a...
The church in Corinth had a problem. One of their own was actively engaging in sexual sin that went beyond the immorality of non-Christian Corinthians (1 Corinthians 5:1). This person was choosing to live in sin, despite being part of the body of...
Dr. Michael Heiser believes that as modern Christians we are “selectively supernatural.” Our modern worldview makes it difficult to recognize the full extent of the supernatural fingerprints on our Bible. While Bible scholars widely...