What were 2021’s most popular worship songs? What about most popular sermon topics? Find out in the free 2021 Songs & Sermons Report for worship leaders, pastors, and anyone who’s just really curious. (Can’t blame you there.) Popular worship...
Look into the future, and you see a blank preaching calendar you need to fill. People are coming through the doors—some for the first time, some for the thousandth—and you have to deliver sermons that meet them where they are, week after week after...
An old saying goes, “A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to come unraveled.” And even though that’s true, Christians still need encouragement to pray. Here are nine sermon illustrations on prayer to help provide it. 1. How God listens From 300...
There seem to be countless sermon illustrations on faith—but some are better than others. Find six memorable ones below! Sermon illustration on enduring faith From Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations & Quotes: Faith honors...
Have you ever reread a line in an email and thought, “Yikes. That’s not how I wanted it to come across”? (Please say it’s not just me . . . ) The same thing can happen with sermons. Preachers know their people-loving, mission-minded intentions for...
Option 1: Recording sermon audio with slides You can do that easily in Proclaim. Once you’ve opened Proclaim, here’s what you do: Create your service slides. Get your verses, quotes, and other graphics lined up. Set up your audio device in Proclaim...
With Easter right around the corner, it’s prime time to get fresh church media! Here’s a peek from five new sets of church graphics from Proclaim + Pro Media, ready to use in your presentations, announcements, and sermons. *** If you already have a...