In the years since the 2016 election of President Donald Trump, evangelicals have become arguably the most controversial religious group in America. Almost all mainstream news coverage of evangelicals relates to politics—or to scandals, such as the...
If you’re in the mood for some profoundly thought-provoking reading, I recommend working your way through some of Thomas Howard’s books. Whether you adhere to the teachings of the Catholic church, or find your comfort in Evangelical...
"The reason that the work of Barth on the Word of God is so important for the evangelical church today is because it is essentially (and practically) where it already stands."
"If Barth is christomonistic in his hermeneutic and understanding of the Scriptures than the same charge could be leveled against the apostles Matthew, Paul, and John as well as Augustine, Luther, and Calvin."
"If we completely detach our modern-day applications from a text’s original, historical context, we risk misapplying the text—sometimes in embarrassing ways."
Watching the news a few days ago, I saw photos and videos of those protesting the COVID-19 quarantine on full display. I’m growing weary of how certain biblical texts are attached to certain political movements and demonstrations—texts that are...
This short Pauline epistle has long fascinated scholars, especially the so-called “Christ Hymn” (2:6-11), offering the possibility that Paul embedded here a piece of liturgy or tradition from earliest Christianity (or Paul proves himself here a poet...
Words and Photographs by Tavis Bohlinger The last day of the Tyndale House Conference in Cambridge was bittersweet. While excellent papers were presented all around, at every social hour including coffee breaks and meals there was a sense of pending...
by Hans Madueme | Covenant College Extraterrestrial life is standard fare in science-fiction literature. Michel Faber’s The Book of Strange New Things is a fine example, a tale about a Christian missionary who journeys to another planet in order...
Logos sells many different commentaries. Literally thousands. They all fall into different categories, and here’s one schema you could use to organize them (borrowed from here, though there are others): Devotional/practical commentaries (NIVAC...
Some people doubt evangelicalism exists—it’s too fractured to be called an -ism. And in the last year the value of the label has been fought over more vociferously than ever. What is “evangelicalism”? Is it even a useful concept anymore? I believe...