Caring for the sick and distressed is a God-given opportunity to show love and good works in God’s presence, by his power, and in collaboration with others. Mutual care was a vital way members of the earliest churches related to one another...
Poet Robert Frost famously wrote about two roads that diverged in a yellow wood, and he expressed regret that he could not take both paths. This captures a universal human experience: as finite humans, a yes to one path is necessarily a no to the...
Are Christians in a war? If so, how do we fight in this war? These are important questions for every follower of Jesus to consider, because the Bible tells us that we are indeed engaged in a spiritual battle against the kingdom of darkness. This is...
Professional athletes were as popular in the ancient world as they are today, even if the sports back then were somewhat different. Wrestling competitions, for example, were held throughout mainland Greece and Asia Minor in various festivals. And...
Since commentaries are such a helpful tool for Bible study and preaching, it makes sense to use them. It also makes sense to search for the best! Not only the best complete commentary series, either—the best commentary for each book of the Bible...
Old Testament scholar Dr. Erika Moore talks about the books that have influenced her the most (:10), and a mini-documentary explores the cultural context of Acts 19 and the goddess, Artemis (1:50).
Dr. Lynn Cohick talks about understanding the apostle Paul in his historical context (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser gives some insights on interpreting Scripture (4:55). Study the New Testament with Dr. Lynn Cohick Gain a better understanding of...
Today’s post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials. Ephesians is one of my favorite...
Today’s post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials. As you probably know, chapter and...
What do you do when you come across a difficult Bible passage? Chances are, you open a trusted commentary and see what it has to say. Sometimes, the first commentary you check has the answer you’re looking for. But more often than not, you want to...
You’ve read how the Lexham Bible Guides both simplify and maximize your study time. Each chapter presents an overview of a passage, that passage’s structure and place within the book and biblical canon, key word studies, and an application overview...
Information is good, and more information is better. But in the digital age, the volume of information available to us can be overwhelming—and this is no less true when it comes to information about the Bible. The Lexham Bible Guides help you chart...
Bible research is difficult. When you also need slides and media, and when you add the stress of preparing a sermon, class, or Bible study, it can be overwhelming. Add in your other teaching and preaching responsibilities and you may find it...
The Lexham Bible Guides resolve your love-hate relationship with research. They summarize your books’ content and organize it in an easy-to-follow format, giving you the direction to begin your study. These guides help you do better Bible research...