Hang around seminary libraries long enough and you’ll start to recognize certain publishers, like Eerdmans. And you’ll start to reach for their books more and more. They were a consistent publisher in my bibliographies all throughout Bible school...
We’ve recently expanded and compiled three new series—and until April 2, you can take more than 33% off each of these collections! Get commentaries on Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, critical studies on Paul’s writings, and introductions to the...
The new year has kept us busy keeping updated the collections you know and love—check out these favorite commentary and sermon products to make sure you’re not missing key resources in your Bible study and sermon prep! Tim Keller Sermon Archive...
“Lord Jesus, it is for thee that I patiently endure this cruel death. I pray thee to have mercy on my enemies.”—The last words attributed to John Huss At the end of the fourteenth century, John Wycliffe’s influence was beginning to...
Recently, the Andrew Murray Collection went up on Community Pricing. Not only does it contain 11 monthly and 2 yearly devotionals—it also includes an additional 25 books packed with sermons, essays, addresses, and more. To celebrate this awesome...
Logos is celebrating Princeton's bicentennial with the Princeton Theology Collection. Use the coupon code Princeton17903 to purchase this collection before April 13, 2012, and it's yours for only $399.95! For 200 years the world has benefited from...
I remember reading Conflict and Community in Corinth and enjoying it so much that I rushed out to buy and devour Grace in Galatia. Since then, the Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series has become invaluable to my New Testament studies. Logos recently...
One of my favorite Bible teachers encouraged us to "study wide and then narrow our focus." Understanding the big picture is key to good exegesis. It protects us from falling into the trap of interpreting verses before appreciating the context of the...