Christopher Croom | Columbia International University Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) Introduction This famous portion of Scripture that has been rendered as a standalone verse is directly related to the crucifixion scene of...
The intersection between Christianity and science is fascinating subject material, especially in regards to the question of origins: is the Christian faith intrinsically opposed to evolutionary theory, or can Christian exegesis and doctrine find...
"This [digital] edition will open up the research of the Handbook for easy access...It is a welcome development in the dissemination of the Handbook."
"There are no better guides to the state of scholarship." - John J. Collins
The 2019 Christianity Today Book Awards were announced recently, and Logos is happy to announce that a number of these books are available for your Logos library and on Faithlife Ebooks. Check out the links below to get a hold of these award-winning...
Here’s some exciting news for Lexham Press: the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels has topped the list for Christianity Today’s 2019 Book Awards in the Biblical Studies category. The LGCG has also been strongly...
I love C.S. Lewis. I have read and reread his works more times than I can count. Whenever someone asks me which of his books is my favorite, I point to one that often garners puzzled looks: An Experiment in Criticism. It’s a brilliant little book...
As much as at any other point in history, the world’s major religions are engaging with each other in powerful—sometimes violent—ways. This raises a few questions. How are Christians to relate to other world religions? Can they coexist...
“Lord Jesus, it is for thee that I patiently endure this cruel death. I pray thee to have mercy on my enemies.”—The last words attributed to John Huss At the end of the fourteenth century, John Wycliffe’s influence was beginning to...
If you were to ask an impartial observer, “what do Christians believe about God?” his best answer would be a recitation of the Nicene Creed. And if you were to reduce the Nicene Creed to its essence, it would be the affirmation of God’s Trinitarian...
What Happened to Peter? Like Steve Runge, I identify with Peter. Not only am I encouraged by Peter’s missteps, foibles, and failures, but I’m also challenged by the post-resurrection dynamo that Peter becomes. For Peter, Jesus’...
Logos Talk is bringing you special Holy Week devotionals from a number of authors. If you’d like more resources to prepare your heart for Easter, Logos has discounted a number of Holy Week titles. Expectation Expectations play a huge role in how we...
I remember reading Conflict and Community in Corinth and enjoying it so much that I rushed out to buy and devour Grace in Galatia. Since then, the Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series has become invaluable to my New Testament studies. Logos recently...
These are exciting times for Bible students, especially those who have studied the Epistle to the Hebrews. Logos is creating the first English translation of Ceslas Spicq’s two-volume commentary on Hebrews. Originally published in French as L'...
Since the dawn of the Enlightenment, biblical scholarship has grown increasingly skeptical and specialized. Books of the Bible are studied in isolation from the rest of the canon, and scholars are experts in Matthew, Isaiah, or Genesis, rather than...
If you’re interested in the preaching and exegesis of the Fathers of the Church, there are three important collections available for pre-order that you should know about. The Works of St. Cyril of Alexandria makes an excellent complement to the...
Let’s face it. The Old Testament can be hard to read sometimes. We’re separated by thousands of years and thousands of miles (at least if you’re at our headquarters in Bellingham, Washington). There are difficult-to-pronounce names, complicated...
One of the joys of working at Logos is helping Christians everywhere become more aware of their rich heritage—from the foundational writings of Augustine to the powerful preaching of Whitefield. After all, we are not the first generation to wrestle...
It is almost strange that we remember January 20 as Susanna Wesley's birthday. I mean think about it, how many other mothers of famous (non-biblical) religious figures do we even remember by name? And yet, the mother of John and Charles Wesley has...
The new year is upon us—a time for making resolutions and setting goals. What better way to start 2012 than with a new Bible reading plan? Following a Bible reading plan is an easy way to become more familiar with the Scriptures—one day at a time...
I’m a historian and a Christian. In fact, it was my study of history that led to my conversion. I realize this is an unusual progression, and perhaps it is a bias that leads me to believe that the common neglect of history among Christians is...