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RefTagger Gets New Versions . . . and Much More!

Over the last few weeks our web team has been working hard on even more cool enhancements to RefTagger, so we have several updates to share with you.

1. RefTagger Now Links to

As of Monday, RefTagger is now directing all links to our new online Bible site, This allows us to bring you a more tightly integrated experience and to continue to improve RefTagger by adding more functionality. We also think is a pretty cool place to read and search the Bible online. :)

2. Several New Bible Versions

Not too long ago we added support for the NIV, TNIV, and NIrV. On Monday—after numerous requests—we were finally able to add the NASB as well. If one of these is your default version, you’ll now see the appropriate text in the tooltip windows. If we still don’t have your favorite version, please let us know.

3. User Control Panel

As a webmaster you get to decide which Bible version RefTagger will display on your site. But what if your readers prefer a different version? To solve this problem, we’ve created the RefTagger control panel. Adding the small control panel somewhere on your site allows your readers to set their preferences, like which version they want to see and whether or not to display the icons linking to Libronix.

You should be able to get the control panel from the RefTagger page very soon—perhaps later today or Monday. I’ll update this post as soon as it is available.

4. Multiple Version Citation Support

Until now RefTagger allowed you to specify a single version to use for all Bible references on your site, but what if you want to cite a version different from your default for comparative purposes? You’re readers could click the link to and then switch versions to compare, but we can do better than that—and we have. Now RefTagger will recognize when you cite a version other than your default and display the appropriate version when you use one of the following three formats:

  • John 3:16 NLT
  • John 3:16, NLT
  • John 3:16 (NLT)

5. Easier Plugin Upgrades for WordPress Users

Our RefTagger WordPress plugin is now proudly hosted at the official WordPress Plugin Directory. This is good news for users of (i.e., the self-hosted version). No more having to manually check for updates. WordPress’s built-in plugin update notification system will inform you when new versions are available, and one-click automatic updating allows you to get the latest version with ease.

This is also potentially great news for users of (i.e., the version they host), who, unfortunately, can’t use RefTagger right now. We’ve been in talks with the folks at about getting built-in RefTagger support for If our plugin is popular enough, they said they will likely make it available on as well!

So if you’re a user of the self-hosted version of WordPress, please download and install the plugin and give it a good rating. users need your help!

Spreading Across the Web

We’re thrilled to see the response to RefTagger. Dozens of new sites are adding it every day. It’s now on more than 2,600 sites! RefTagger keeps getting better and better because of the helpful feedback you send. If you find a bug or have a cool idea for a new feature, please let us know.

Written by
Phil Gons

Follower of Jesus, husband of Shanna, father of five, Chief Product Officer at Logos, PhD (ABD) Theology, reader, learner, blogger, technophile.

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Written by Phil Gons