Paying Attention to Delay in the Bible

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Dr. Steve Runge teaches about delay in the Bible (0:10), and Todd Bishop shows how to use the Psalms Explorer tool in Logos (2:15).

Keep learning how language works with Dr. Runge

Our understanding of the Greek New Testament is based almost entirely on English translations, but how would our understanding of the Greek text change if we read it for what it is—as Greek?
With the Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets, we can now get behind the words of the New Testament writers and discover the particular linguistic tasks that inform translation and interpretation.

The Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets identify discourse markers and performs complex discourse analysis of the entire New Testament quickly, easily, and accurately, which makes them one of the most advanced tools for studying the Greek text of the New Testament.

Get Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets today!

Start using the Psalms Explorer

With the interactive Psalms Explorer, you can quickly find the answers you need by filtering the Psalms by genre, structure, author, and theme. See every lament written by Asaph about God’s power, filter all of the Psalms written by David to expose patterns and themes, and reveal the poetic structure of the Psalms.

Psalms Explorer is available in Logos Gold base packages and above.

Explore packages with this feature.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff