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Logos Is Looking for a Few Awesome People

One of the Best Christian Workplaces. A two-time Washington’s Best Workplaces nominee. Sound like somewhere you’d like to work? Does the idea of working in one of the country’s most beautiful cities (okay, we’re biased) appeal to you?  Would you thrive in an atmosphere where working hard and playing hard aren’t mutually exclusive?

Logos is growing, and we are looking for passionate, intelligent, and talented people to help us serve the church by creating amazing resources for Bible study.

Check Out These Jobs!

Here are a few currently open positions. For the complete list, see our Careers page.

We’re looking for a few awesome people. If you love creating amazing things and finding elegant solutions to complex problems in a fast-paced environment, we might be looking for you.

Go to our Careers page and see how you can join us in achieving great things.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff