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Logos Forum Week Round-Up


In case you’ve missed it, the Logos forum community is in its final few days of Logos Forum Week, a week of celebrating reaching the 50,000-user milestone. It’s been a unique week of great sales and tons of fun!

If you’re thinking, “The words forums and fun can’t possibly go together,” you probably not be too familiar with the Logos forum community in general and you’ve definitely missed out on Forum Week in specific.


So far this week, we’ve:

  • played some games,
  • gotten a glimpse into the lives of other forum users (marble collectors, collapsed-parachute survivors, et. al.),
  • given away hundreds of dollars in prizes,
  • offered tens of thousands of dollars in deals,
  • hid an as-of-yet-undiscovered Easter egg,
  • and more!

Don’t miss out on all the action! Head over to the Logos Forum Week forum and look around before it’s over. The festivities end midnight Sunday!

Here’s all you need to do to take part:

  1. Sign in to your account. (If you don’t already have your free account, get one here!)
  2. Visit the forums.
  3. Click on the forum at the top called “***Forum Week***”.
    Note: If you’re not logged in, this forum won’t be visible.
  4. Browse the top few posts to get up to speed.

If you’ve already been enjoying Forum Week, what’s been your favorite thing (or “random user fact”) about the forums so far?

Written by
Stephen Smith
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Written by Stephen Smith