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Study Greek and Hebrew with Mobile Ed

Learn Greek and Hebrew with Logos

It’s easy to get lost in Bible translations and lose sight of the goal. Let Mobile Ed’s Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew with Logos 6 be your compass and guide through the original languages to help you understand Greek and Hebrew so you can accurately interpret the Bible.

Hebrew in the Old Testament

Dr. Michael Heiser shows you how to use biblical Hebrew to become a competent interpreter of the Old Testament. Through word studies and introduction to grammatical terminology, Dr. Heiser offers a practical approach to studying Hebrew by focusing on the fundamentals and demonstrating how to work through a passage to get behind the English translations using Logos. As he explains, “I’m going to alert you to  what is going on in Hebrew, in Hebrew grammar, in the Hebrew text that will help you ask good questions about the text, and that will assist your thinking in how to interpret the text. You’ll come up with many different nuances, many different questions that, again, will provide boundaries for your interpretation, but also present interpretive options to you.”

Learn Greek in four steps

Johnny Cisneros guides you through a simple process for doing Greek word studies, which you can  apply to your own research and interpretation. First, you will learn to use the tools in Logos Bible Software to gather information about the Greek words including how many times a Greek word occurs and where it occurs.  Next, you will determine the meaning of a Greek word. Third, you will discover why literal English translations sometimes disagree. Last, you will understand grammatical terms and concepts to apply towards evaluating the Bible at a deeper level.


Mobile Ed: Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew with Logos 6 ships on November 19th. Make sure you pre-order to save $400 today! If you own the previous versionLearn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew with Logos Bible Softwareplease wait until the product is live to place your order and you will receive a discounted price at that time. You can order by phone at (888) 670-3148.

Written by
Liz Melton
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Written by Liz Melton