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Key Resources for NT Scholarship: A Starter List

by Prof Steve Walton

This list is aimed at providing a starter list for useful journal, book series, sources of book reviews, and online sources for journal articles. It’s not the last word, but hopefully it’s a useful guide into the forest of secondary literature in New Testament studies.1

Journals [Listed with their SBL Abbreviations]

It’s worth keeping up with journal contents by subscribing to Danny Zacharias’ journal alerts (, which I follow through Feedly, a valuable website which you can customise to watch websites and blogs for new posts (

This list includes only current journals—there are others (e.g. Semeia) which are no longer publishing which may be worth checking on particular points. The ATLA(S) database will find articles from these out-of-publication journals.

Top Ranked NT Journals

Journal for the Study of the NT = JSNT

Novum Testamentum = NovT

New Testament Studies = NTS

Zeitschrift für neutestamentliche Wissenschaft = ZNW

Journals Focused on Particular Areas of NT Studies

Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters = JSPL

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus = JSHJ

Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism = JGRChJ—abstracts and titles online; recent volumes freely available until the print copy appears:

Biblical Studies Journals

Biblica = Bib

Biblical Interpretation = Bint

Biblical Theology Bulletin = BTB

Bulletin for Biblical Research = BBR—journal of the Institute for Biblical Research

Catholic Biblical Quarterly = CBQ—publishes by a wide range of authors, not only Catholics

Currents in Biblical Research = CurBR—provides valuable survey articles on topics

Horizons in Biblical Theology = HBT

Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies = JIBS—an open access online journal

Journal of Biblical Literature = JBL, also on Logos

Journal of Theological Interpretation = JTI—focused on theological reading of Scripture

Neotestamentica = Neot—journal based in South Africa with a wide range of contributors

Revue biblique = RB

Broader Journals Which Often Have Valuable NT Articles

Bibliotheca Sacra = BSac—journal of Dallas Theological Seminary, also on Logos

Early Christianity = EC

Expository Times = ExpTim

Interpretation = Int—issues tend to have a theme, so worth looking for your topic

Journal of Pentecostal Theology = JPT—lots on Spirit in the NT here

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society = JETS, also on Logos

Journal of Theological Studies = JTS—publishes major (long) articles

Review and Expositor = RevExp, also on Logos

Themelios = Them—pitched at theological students, with many useful articles; originally a journal of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Studies, now in the hands of the Gospel Coalition; free online with searchable interface:, and also on Logos

Tyndale Bulletin = TynBul—journal founded by the Tyndale Fellowship; past issues online with searchable interface:, also on Logos

Westminster Theological Journal = WTJ—journal of Westminster Theological Seminary, also on Logos

Book Series

Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft = BZNW [de Gruyter]:
Primarily revised doctoral theses, plus some work by established scholars

Biblical Interpretation Series = BINS [Brill]:
Primarily revised doctoral theses, plus some work by established scholars

Library of NT Studies = LNTS (formerly JSNTSup) [Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark]:
Publishes monographs by established scholars, collected essay volumes, and some revised doctoral theses

Novum Testament Supplement Series = NovTSup [Brill]:
Primarily revised doctoral theses, plus some work by established scholars

SNTS monograph series = SNTSMS [Cambridge University Press]:
Primarily revised doctoral theses, plus some work by established scholars

Studies of the New Testament and its World = SNTW [Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark]:
Revised doctoral theses, and work by established scholars

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum neuen Testament = WUNT [Mohr Siebeck]:
Two series: WUNT I are usually by established scholars; WUNT II are often revised doctoral theses

Book Reviews

Journals of Reviews

New Testament Abstracts = NTA—very useful brief summaries of key books and articles

Reviews in Religion and Theology = RRT—broad journal with sections on NT Studies

Journals Containing Substantial Review Sections

*See above for links

Bulletin for Biblical Research = BBR

Catholic Biblical Quarterly = CBQ

Expository Times = ExpTim—generally short reviews, often useful to get a book’s gist

Interpretation = Int

Journal for the Study of the New Testament = JSNT, esp. the annual book review issue which appears in the summer annually, and provides valuable short reviews

Novum Testamentum = NovT

Themelios = Them

Journal of Theological Studies = JTS

Online Reviews

RBL online—it’s worth subscribing to their weekly email of new reviews; you’ll need to be an SBL member to access this material

Online Sources for Articles

ATLA/S database—highly searchable, including by Scripture reference; Trinity College Bristol and Bristol Baptist College research students have access to this through the University of Aberdeen library— a well-organised and searchable repository of over 40,0000 valuable out-of-copyright articles and whole books

Steve Walton is Professor of New Testament at Trinity College, Bristol, UK. This article was first published on his excellent blog (bookmark it!).

Related resources from this post for your Logos library:

Michael J. Gorman, Elements of Biblical Exegesis 3rd ed. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2020)

  1. I am very grateful for generous help from a number of people, notably Dr Craig Blomberg, who kindly shared lists from (respectively) Denver Seminary, and Dr Michael Gorman, who shared generously lists in advance from his excellent Elements of Biblical Exegesis 3rd ed. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2020).
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