Christmas is of course a wonderful time of the year as we focus on and celebrate the birth of our Lord. Sometimes, however, if we’re not careful, Christmas cards and carols offer a version of the nativity scene that may or may not be in Scripture.
For example, track these “facts” down in the Bible:
- The birth in winter.
- Wise men present at the time of birth.
- Three wise men.
- Angels singing.
A careful investigation of Scripture uncovers details that perhaps cards and carols miss.
For example, let’s use a very simple feature in Logos to uncover some details about the manger:
- Open a Bible like the NASB to Luke 2:7 (A)
- Right click on the word manger (B)
- Select Manger Thing (C)
- Select Factbook (D)
- Notice the Factbook report for Manger (E)
Navigate to these sections:
- Media. (F) Click the video link (G) which opens a short teaching called How Accurate Is the Modern Nativity Scene? (H)
- Library Results. (I) Click the link Away in a Manger, but Not in a Barn (J) which opens the Infographic of the same name (K)
Enjoy the teachings about the birth of Jesus from the Logos team.
And a special shout out to the graphic artists and video group at Faithlife who present the details of Scripture in such a visually appealing manner! Well done media team!
For more information about the Factbook and many other Logos 7 features, please check out our 3-volume set of Training Manuals in print and digital comprised of 100 chapters and over 800 pages!
In addition, for a fast and fun way to unleash the power of Logos, please consider attending a Camp Logos training seminar in Houston, TX January 18 – January 20.