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How To: Visualize the Bible with Logos Bible Software

Word Tree: God Is

The ability to visualize the Bible means more than being able to vividly picture people, places, or events recored in Scripture.

With Logos Bible Software 4, it also means being able to see the actual text of Scripture in a way you’ve never seen it before. To do so, familiarize yourself with the Passage Analysis tool (available in Original Language Library and above). One part of this tool is the Word Tree.

Using the Word Tree, we recently posted an image of Psalms and Genesis 1 to our Facebook page that clearly and beautifully displayed God’s words and actions in diagram form.

We though it would be helpful first to show you how to do these on your own, and then invite you to show us what you can do.

Get started by watching this short video:

As you can see, in just a few steps you can capture your favorite passage using the Word Tree.

To summarize the video, go to Tools | Passage Analysis and select Word Tree. Enter a biblical reference in the passage box like Genesis 1 or 1 Corinthians 13, or get a broader view by entering a full book like Psalms or Revelation. Next, type a word or phrase in the box to the right of the passage such as God, love, or God is.

Now comes the fun part!

Take a screen capture and share your best Word Tree image with us by uploading yours to Facebook and tagging Logos Bible Software.

Written by
Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff