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How to Quickly Resize Panels in Logos

man at desk with open laptop looking at Bible concordances in Logos Bible Software

A fellow Logos user contacted me with this scenario:

Normally when I’m using Logos I’ll have several resources open such as a Bible, lexicon, commentary, etc. When I’m reading in one, I’ll make its panel bigger by dragging the side of the panel. Is there a way to return the panel to its original size without dragging the side again?

This is a very practical question and the answer is possibly.

If “original” in the user’s question implies the size of the panels were symmetrical, then, yes! We can easily return a panel to its “original” position.

Try this:

  • Open 3 resources in Logos such as a Bible, dictionary, and commentary
  • Click the Layouts icon in the upper right of the program (A)
  • Click the 3 Tiles icon on the drop-down menu (third icon from left) (B)

  • Notice the panels are arranged with one vertical on the left and two horizontal on the right (C)
  • Place the cursor on the border line separating the two horizontal panels until you see the double arrow (D)

  • Click, hold, and drag the mouse to resize the two panels
  • Let go of the mouse to see two asymmetrical panels (E)
  • Double-click the same border line (F)

  • Notice the panels return to a symmetrical view (G)
  • Place the cursor on the intersection point (where all three panels touch) until you see the double-double arrow (H)

  • Click, hold, and drag the mouse to resize the three panels
  • Let go of the mouse to see three asymmetrical panels (I)
  • Double-click the same intersection point (J)

  • Notice the panels return to a symmetrical view (K)

For more practical tips like these, please check out

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Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor