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Going to seminary – a professors perspective

Professor, pastor, and theologian, Dr. John Frame wrote a pamphlet called, “Learning at the feet of Jesus: A Case for Seminary Training.” This is a quick and easy read that will, hopefully, help you in your decision making process.

Here is an excerpt from the opening page:

At some point in their walk with Jesus, many Christians ask whether they should attend seminary — either to earn a degree or just to take a few courses. I’ve been teaching in seminaries for thirty-five years, and I’ve done some thinking about this question. In this pamphlet, I’ll encourage you to go to seminary if you can, and I’ll try to help those who are seeking guidance for this important decision.

I want to thank the good people at Reformed Theological Seminary for making this available, free of charge, on their website.

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns