Why You Should Consult Multiple Bible Translations for Better Reading

We all have a particular Bible translation we always turn to. It might be the Bible we grew up reading or it might be a translation we chose after hours of diligent research and thoughtful consideration. But what about all the other translations available to us? Should they be tossed aside?

In his new book, Authorized, Mark Ward argues for common language English Bible translations; not just one, but a multitude of translations we can turn to and consult. It seems like everyone has an opinion about which Bible translation is best and that’s led to some conflict within the church when these opinions clash. These conversations are important—this is the Word of God we’re talking about after all—but rather than focusing on one translation over another, Ward makes the case for multiple Bible translations to help us study Scripture. Each translation can present different nuances in Scripture that might be missed if we focus our attention on one translation alone.

Authorized…packs a punch”

Tim Challies’s review of Authorized was glowing. He wrote, “[Authorized] deals with a common issue in a helpful, humorous, and respectful way. It is worthy of any Christian’s time.” Other scholars and peers have been equally effusive with their praise. Here are just a few endorsements the book has received:

This lightly written and frequently amusing book gently hides the competent scholarship that underlies it. For those who are convinced of the superiority of the KJV, whether for stylistic, cultural, pedagogical, theological, or traditional reasons, this is the book to read. Mercifully, Dr. Ward does not pummel his readers or sneer at those who take another position. Patiently, chapter by chapter, example by example, he makes his case—all of his work geared toward fostering more and better Bible reading. Highly recommended.

—D. A. Carson, research professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Mark Ward’s Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible is a cogent, concise, clear, and helpful book on the subject of Bible translations. It is full of information about how language changes and doesn’t change, and full of wisdom about how Christians should respond to these processes. The book is useful both for beginning Bible students and for linguists.

—John Frame, professor of systematic theology and philosophy emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary

Mark Ward’s book on the King James Version is a delightful book to read. I had a hard time putting it down once I started it. Ward is convincing in arguing that the KJV should not be one’s primary Bible today since it is too antiquated for contemporary readers. In fact, he shows that the KJV translators would agree with that assessment, for they were excellent scholars who desired to translate the Bible into the vernacular. As Ward says, there is no need to dispense with the KJV altogether, and the best practice is to use a number of translations, and thankfully we are blessed with many fine English translations today.

—Tom Schreiner, professor of New Testament interpretation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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The English language has changed a great deal over the last 400 years. In Authorized, Mark Ward builds a case for English Bible translations that should be readable by the common man. Get this new book today!

Written by
Jake Mailhot

Jake Mailhot is the product manager for Lexham Press. He also writes about baseball and lives in Bellingham, WA.

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Written by Jake Mailhot