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How to Find and Use Cross-References in Logos 6

A fellow Logos user recently made the following inquiry:

I thoroughly enjoy using the Passage Guide and try to take advantage of the wealth of research in each section. I am stumped, however, trying to figure out how the verses in the Cross-References section are generated. Can you shed some light on this?

I hope I can. In short, the verses are the inline cross-references found in our Bibles for the passage for which the Passage Guide is generated.

Let’s take a look at a specific example:

  • Choose Guides | Passage Guide
  • Type John 10:10 in the Reference box (A)
  • Press the Enter key to generate the report
  • Expand the Cross-References section (B)
  • Notice above the horizontal gray line are simple links to cross-reference resources such as The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (C)
  • Below the horizontal gray line are imbedded cross-references found in your Bibles for John 10:10 (D)


  • Open, for example, the following Bibles to John 10:10 and compare the imbedded cross-references to the verses found in the Cross-References section in the Passage Guide:

            – New American Standard Bible (E)


           – English Standard Version (F)


           – The Holman Christian Standard Bible (G)


  • Click the link Open 11 Passages in “Preferred Bible” to display only these verses in a Bible panel (H)


Jumping from one cross-reference to another is a favorite way for many people to study the Bible, so this one section in the Passage Guide is a great enhancement for that type of study!

For more assistance with the Passage Guide be sure to check out the Logos 6 Training Manual Volumes 1 & 2 Bundle or attend an upcoming Camp Logos in Baltimore, MD or Phoenix, AZ.

Morris Proctor
is a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials.

Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor