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Dr. Steven Runge Takes Discourse Grammar on the Road

Logos’ own Steven Runge has been invited to share his discourse grammar course at  Wycliffe Hall at the University of Oxford June 28-July 2, 2011.

Discourse grammar is not just for advanced New Testament scholars, but has proven really useful for beginning Greek students and pastors as well! Runge takes complex linguistic ideas and makes them accessible. His cross-linguistic approach focuses on exegesis instead of translation, helping you gain a much deeper understanding of the Greek text. Attention is given to describing the task accomplished by each discourse device. This function-based approach helps to conceptualize what is happening in Greek by understanding how the comparable task is accomplished in another language. If you’ve had a year of Greek and are comfortable working in an interlinear text, then you’ll benefit from attending.

Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament and the Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament comprise the only complete discourse-based analysis of the Greek New Testament. They are the culmination of over a decade of study and five years work.

Listen to Steve discuss how discourse analysis works:

What are others saying about discourse grammar?

Check out a few of the great endorsements for the print edition of Runge’s Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament: A Practical Introduction for Teaching and Exegesis

“. . .Runge has made discourse analysis accessible, systematic, comprehensive, and meaningful to students of the New Testament. His presentation is clear, straightforward, and well researched. . . . I have learned a great deal from this volume and will continue to do so for many years. To students of the New Testament, I say, “ The time has come. Tolle lege!”

—Dr. Daniel B. Wallace, Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, from the Foreword

“NT Greek grammarians today are twenty years behind Hebrew scholars in applying insights from linguistics to our knowledge of the language and many applications at present are skewed. Ironically, linguists are often singularly unable to communicate. Steve Runge’s Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament brings us light years forward in the application of linguistics to Hellenistic Greek providing at the same time clear and simple explanations as well as examples that will help students to analyse and exegete texts on their own. This book is five stars—one of the most significant contributions to Greek grammar in the last twenty years!”

—Peter J. Gentry, Ph.D. (Near Eastern Studies, Univ. of Toronto) Professor of Old Testament Interpretation The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Steven Runge’s Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament fills a significant gap in the available resources for teaching Koine Greek. Runge has taken complex linguistic notions that shed significant light on how Greek works and made them accessible to the masses. He takes us beyond morphology and syntax to explore the communicative goals that motivated the choice of particular words or grammatical constructions. The presentation is both compelling and a model of clarity. This impressive volume will provide advanced students of Greek with an effective tool for taking their Greek to the next level. It is “must read” material for every serious student of the Greek New Testament.”

—Dr. Martin M. Culy, Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek, Briercrest College and Seminary

How can I attend?

The cost for attending the June 28–July 2, 2011 workshop at Oxford is $500/£300. This price includes five nights lodging (Monday-Friday), breakfast, and conference registration. Dr. Runge will be teaching in the morning. There are limited funds to assist attendees with lodging expenses, so be sure to ask if funding is an issue. To register, please send your name, mailing address, email address and phone number to Nicholas Ellis.

I would love to attend, but I can’t!

Don’t worry! You might not be able to make this event, but you don’t have to miss out. The Introducing New Testament Discourse Grammar: Video Series features the same content that Steve will be sharing in his class.

This series is currently available on Pre-Pub at 50% off the retail price! It is currently in development and will be shipping soon, so act quickly to get Steve’s discourse grammar at the best possible price!

Are you planning to attend? Would you attend if it were in a different area? If so, where? Leave a comment and let us know.

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Logos Staff

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