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Meet Glenn, This Year’s Unsung Bible Study Hero

Glenn B Unsung Hero x

We see our pastors each week on-screen or up front. We typically recognize key ministry leaders. We know (and ask God to bless abundantly) our children’s nursery workers who graciously receive our crying babies each week with smiles on their faces.

But some leaders are more “hidden,” behind the scenes. They quietly but steadfastly do the work of the gospel, pouring into people who don’t always respond and trusting God for fruit they may never see this side of heaven, faithfully pursuing what Eugene H. Peterson calls “a long obedience in the same direction.”

That’s who our Unsung Bible Study Heroes are. They’re committed. They’re humble. They are God’s boots-on-the-ground soldiers who are passionate about people understanding what’s in their Bible’s because they know it leads to transformation.

This year, Bible Study Magazine (BSM) recognizes one such hero. BSM readers nominate dozens of faithful Bible students and offer inspiring stories of the influence these Unsung Heroes have had on fellow students of Scripture.

And this year’s winner has done just that.

Glenn Bascome of Allen Temple AME Church in Somerset, Bermuda, became a Bible student himself when, as a university student fresh from Bermuda, he found himself in a Bible study led by a young member of the Navigators. Glenn says, “The only thing that kept going on in my mind was, ‘How can this guy who [is] younger than I—about 22—be so knowledgeable about Scripture and so enthusiastic?’ I was mesmerized.”

“Now Glenn leads many such Bible studies, as he has done for decades. The Lord has used him to influence countless young men, at least six of whom are themselves now pastors on the island.”

Leading a Bible study requires personal humility and a welcoming attitude, Glenn says. “I say to them, don’t take my word for it. If I say something, ask me to show where it is in Scripture.”

Glenn emphasizes that all believers have God’s word and God’s Spirit, giving them confidence to pray, study, and apply. “Just as he speaks to people who write the daily devotionals, God can speak to you in the same way!” he says.

We are delighted to honor Glenn, and we invite readers to submit nominations for their own Unsung Bible Study heroes at

To read the full article about Glenn and his ministry in Bermuda, sign up to get Bible Study Magazine for six months—free.

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Bible Study Magazine

Bible Study magazine is the only award-winning magazine devoted to making your Bible study more effective, organized, and relevant. This print publication delivers tools and methods for Bible study six times a year.

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