Author - Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

iPods of March Competition WINNERS

Today was a bad day for Julius Caesar… however, for 3 (actually 4) readers, it is a very good day. Before I announce the winners, I wanted to say thanks to every who played. The competition got pretty fierce towards the end...

Date Night

I once had a pastor who had the Rule of 7: Every 7 days take your wife on a date Every 7 weeks take your wife on a weekend get-away Every 7 months take your wife on a week’s vacation Now, that sounds all good-and-well but my mental calculator...

Seminary Students Considering a Pastorate

Some times the best thing I have to say is, “Hey, you should really go listen to someone besides me.” Such is the case today. On Monday I read a post by Matt Schmucker at the 9Marks blog on things that a pastoral candidate should ask of...

48 Hours

We’re starting to see some people get into the iPods of March competition. Jeff, from has posted some flyers on campus and sent me two pics. Sad as it may be (no offense Jeff) but he is, at this point, going to collect the...

Seminary Student – Faith at Work

Through one of the numerous blogs I track on google reader I picked up on a pretty amazing post by Timmy Brister about sharing his story on the graveyard shift. It is pretty amazing. I’ve worked in a warehouse before and I could see and hear...

Two Cent Tuesday – What Comes to Mind?

I like stream of consciousness questions because they reveal a lot about a person and their thoughts. So, for this week’s poll I want you to answer the following question with the first word that pops in your head… ready? What is the...

Going to Seminary Gets a Facelift

Wow… it is 2:56 a.m. and it is finally finished. If I wasn’t so exhausted I’d explain how INCREDIBLY difficult this conversion was. Well, I hope you like the new digs… I’ll be tweaking it here and there over the next...

Vintage Hypocrite

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. James 5:16a Well… I feel dirty just saying it… I took my laptop to class today. Despite my outspoken advocacy of Vintage Notes, I broke down...

Foreign Missionay Needs Seminary Advice

OK everyone, time to help someone out. I was contacted by Dan and Chris who are missionaries in Poland. They have 2 daughters and are considering going to seminary. Below is a letter explaining their situation and they have asked for our help. So...

Two Cent Tuesday – Readership Poll

I’m just interested to know where the Going to Seminary readers are on this journey called seminary. (answer #5 was added for all you Calvinists out there who objected to question #4’s wording… come on, that was funny!)...

Educational Debt Payments After Seminary

Sorry to post another dismal post about debt, but it is a harsh reality we need to wrestle with. As stated before, this information comes from a survey conducted by The Association of Theological Schools (ATS). The survey questioned 5,113 graduates...

Googling to Seminary

After months of hard work we’ve finally claimed the #1 spot for the search query “going to seminary” on google. For the last 4 months I’ve been #2 on this results… behind some blog post some guy wrote in 2006. My...

Educational Debt Incurred at Seminary

I was reading the results from survey conducted by The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) this evening and was fascinated by some of the findings. The survey was conducted on graduating students from member schools of the ATS and included...

The Art of Distraction

I am the KING of being distracted. However, I tend to be distracted by things that are actually important. The bad thing about that is I feel justified and guilty at the same time. I find myself having a plan for the day and easily diverting from...

Where is eveyone?

It has been quiet around here the past couple days. I thought for sure that the E.R. Video and the Setting Goals posts would bring some good discussion. Where is everyone?
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller…

Setting Goals in Seminary

So, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this semester and trying to determine how I will know if the semester is a success. Is it a successful semester if I get straight A’s? Is the number of pages I read this semester a measure of...

E.R. and Atonement

We interrupt this Two Cent Tuesday for a video clip from E.R.
Why do I go to seminary? Because I want to be that “real chaplain (minister) who believes in a real God and a real hell.”
This is intense:

Two Cent Tuesday – Seminary Prayer

(First, let me begin by saying sorry to those who are not a current seminarian and can’t answer this question… however, I think the results are important for both current and future seminarians and something we must ask here.) I’ve...

Seminary Bibliography Made Easy

Happy Valentines Day. I got you a gift… but truth be told, it is a re-gift. But I still think you’ll love it. I give FULL credit to Chad over at Outside is Better for this wonderful re-gift. Be sure to visit his blog and thank him for...

Subscribe to Comments

Want to keep tabs on the discussion in a post? Now you can. I just added a “Subscribe to Comment” option in the comment section. Now, when you post a comment, simply click the “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” box...

First Steps to Finding Your Seminary

These aren’t four magic steps. I just thought it might be helpful for those who are wondering how to start the process of finding a seminary if I gave a couple “first steps.” Pray – Seminary is a big decision. So much of what...

Money and Flowers

Strange how stressed we get about money… or maybe that is just me… right? As Christians aren’t we supposed to look at the flowers of the field and see that God clothes them is splendor and be reminded that he will also take care of...

The Religious Life of Theological Student

BUY THIS BOOK! It only costs $2.50 This book is for you. “Before and above being learned, a minister must be godly. Nothing could be more fatal, however, than to set these two things over against one another. Recruiting officers do not dispute...

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