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The iPods of March Competition – Win an 4GB iPod Nano

This year there is no need to “beware the Ides of March.” In fact, quite the opposite! This year you can look forward to the Ides of March to find out if you are the winner of a brand new 4GB iPod Nano from Going to Seminary… or other cool prizes:

1st prize – 4GB iPod Nano
2nd prize – 1GB iPod Shuffle
3rd prize – $25 iTunes gift card

Just as Rome was not built in a day, neither will this competition be won in a day (unless you’re really good). This one will take some effort, which is why I’m dropping the coin for the cool prizes. So, here are the rules:

This competition will be run on a point system. On March 14th the person with the most points wins. Winners will be announced on the Ides of March (the 15th).

So, how do you get points? Points will be awarded for various tasks you complete – see below. For some of these I will need you to report your activity to me, so I am trusting that no one will cheat or lie (seriously, that would be very uncool).

The Point System:

1 PointPost a link to Going to Seminary that has seminary related words as the link text. (1 point limit PER DAY)

– This is a cool site about going to seminary. (1 point)
– Check this out. Visit here. (0 points)

1 PointCreate a Going to Seminary flyer and post it somewhere on your campus. (1 point per flyer – 10 point max)
– for this one you need to email me (justaguy [AT] goingtoseminary [DOT] com) and let me know how many you posted and the name of the campus on which you posted them. You are welcome to use any graphics or images found on Going to Seminary for your flyers

3 Points – Add a Going to Seminary badge to your site (scroll down to get the code)

5 Points – If you email me a picture of your flyer hanging somewhere on campus (picture phone images are fine). Please include the name of the campus

10 Points – If you make a verbal announcement before the start of a class about the website (email me the name of your seminary and the class in which you made the announcement).

15 PointsGet your seminary to include a link to Going to Seminary on their next mass email to students (most seminaries have a regular email to students with announcements and events, etc). I’ll need a copy of the email to confirm

20 PointsGet your seminary to post a link to Going to Seminary on their website.

25 Points – For the most creative way you get the word out about Going to Seminary. (I reserve the right to give away more than one of these if you all get really creative)
– Getting a Going to Seminary tattoo
– Make a Going to Seminary t-shirt and wearing it to class
– Stand on the street corner with a banner with the site URL on it
– Get a skywriter to write the URL over the sky above your seminary
– Get creative… Get the points.

50 Points – The big daddy… Get a seminary (or, heck, anyone) to become a site sponsor.

So, there you have it. Go get some points and I’ll start tracking the results.

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns