48 Hours

flyer seminaryWe’re starting to see some people get into the iPods of March competition. Jeff, from deTheos.com has posted some flyers on campus and sent me two pics. Sad as it may be (no offense Jeff) but he is, at this point, going to collect the “Most Creative” points as those flyers are the most creative thing anyone has done so far.

Lets just say that, as it stands, it is still anyone’s game. Also, remember that if you win you can choose the cash option. $150 is always a nice bonus. Think of it this way… if you spend an hour doing some of the stuff mentioned on the contest post and win the competition, then it is like you got paid $150 an hour. That is about what the average pastor makes… right?

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns
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